Monday 23 February 2015

Unit 2 Relationships initial ideas

For unit 2 the theme is relationships.

Over a week I came up with some initial ideas that I put onto a spider diagram. After this I picked the three best ideas and made a further spider diagram looking into the three ideas in more detail. Finally I choose my best idea, then found three artists to use as inspiration.

The first spider diagram looks
at initial ideas for the theme of relationships.

The second spider diagram looks at the three ideas I chose to refine, and think about in more detail for the use of as my final idea.

For my final idea I have chosen the relationship of gravity with objects. I chose this as it was the idea that I found the most interresting and creative when thinking about future shoots that I could do, basing on the idea of gravity.

When looking at artists and techniques relating to my chosen idea, these are what I found;

Before hearing about our theme I had seen the technique of fast pass flour / powder photography, on seeing this I decided that this technique would be something that I would like to experiment further on, and use in future shoots. When we were told our theme for Unit 2, I did some research into the technique as it relates to my theme of the relationship with gravity and objects. I chose this technique to look at as it can be used in many different ways to create a range of formations with the powder, but also I think it relates well to my intention.
Lissy Laricchia

365 Year 2
Lissy Laricchia
Lissy Laricchia

An artist the I have found is called Lissy Laricchia. I looked at Larchchia because she uses gravity to add an interesting element to her photographs.
The photograph bellow is from her collection '365', a project she attempted referring to how many days there are in a year. I choose to look at this photo as she is sing the flour technique which I have also looked at.

David Nemcsik

When looking at other ways of showing gravity as a main element of a photograph, I came across levitation. This is when I found the photographer David Nemcsik, Nemcsik uses the peoples dream and recreates them, levitating the person as if asleep at the centre to create the dream like image.
The Levitation Project
David Nemcsik
The last artist I have looked at is the photographer Andy Goldsworthy I have looked at him as some of his work relates to the technique I would like to use, fast pace flour movement. Goldsworthy uses the natural substances around him in the environment in his pieces of work, for example in his photograph 'Dust' the powder he is using is ground up rock found by a stream inside a forest. I could use this idea in a future shoot and incorporate it into the technique of the fast pace movement.
Andy Goldsworthy 'Dust'