Tuesday 28 April 2015

Final Evaluation of Unit 2

For this unit I have looked at the relationship between gravity and objects/people. My intention was to try to be more creative, to try different techniques that I had found to relate to my theme. I think I have met my intention as I have used a range of techniques including; fast pace flour technique, fast and multiple exposure, I've also tried the effect of levitation of people. Through out these I have also tried to use my 3 artist as inspiration to help with my ideas for future shots and trying to incorporate their work ideas with mine to improve my work. I have also tried to show my influences through out the shoots that I was looking at their individuals pieces of work, I either tried to use a similar technique, or took an idea as inspiration from their photographs.
I found that my research has helped me when looking into further ideas for shoots, this especially helped me when I found a technique I wanted to use but didn't know how to, or when I was researching an artist on the technique they used.
I have tried to be more experimental with this unit, I did this by documenting more of the things I tried to do but maybe didnt' go as well as hoped, I also tried to be more creative in the shoots I did whether that was with the things I used, e.g. flour, or the technique used the try to improve the pictures. With this unit I found that I have used photoshop a bit more to improve the photos or to edit shots to make them look cleaner and clearer.
Over all I think this unit has worked well as I feel I have met my intentions of how the final edits and photos would look, I also think that I have been a lot more creative in my ideas and shoots.
1 of Final Pieces 
2nd Final Piece 

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