Wednesday 22 April 2015

Shoot 4 Levitation David Nemcsik Evaluation

Contact sheet 
For this shoot I looked at the photographer David Nemcsik, I looked at Nemcsik as my theme is the relationship of gravity so I have now moved onto looking at the relationship with gravity and people.
David Nemcsik
Nemcsik took pictures of people in I kind of dream environment so this is why I used fairy wings to use the idea of dreams, however I was mainly looking to be able to do a shoot using the technique of levitation. To do the shoot I used two lights at either side of the of the room just intron of the black screen, this meant the models were highlighted clearly. I also used a Nikon D300 camera and a 15mm lens. At first I just got one model to jump in different stances to test how the shoot will work out, once I found that worked I then wanted to make it look less like they were jumping and more like their were flying this is another reason why I added the wings as a prop. The depth of field I this shoot is large as shown in the contact sheet the camera focused on the model in the foreground and further away in the background.
I think the shoot worked well as I did achieve how I would have liked it to have gone, however I don't think I will use this technique in future shoots as I would like to mainly focus the gravitational relationship with objects. For the final edit I used photoshop, I used the painting tool to cover the edges with out having to crop parts of the picture of as you could still see the edges of the black background.
Best edit

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