Monday 23 March 2015

David Nemcsik

David Nemcisk
Nemcsik is my second artist I am looking at, as I am looking at gravity I looked for an artist that has used levitation in their work. Nemscik has done a project called 'The levitation project', the project was done for a university exam, in this he would ask his friends "Where were you in your last dream?", with this he would take the setting for their dream and use it as the back ground for the photo. He would then have to find the surrounding that were the closest to the dreams, the aim of the pictures is to create a dream like perspective. Through research I wasn't able to find out how he did these particular shots but I did think about using photoshop, taking a picture of someone lying down, and a picture of chosen background then photo shopping the sleeping person onto it. Or having some lying on a table or something in the location then later photos shopping the table out of the picture.
This is what the photographer himself said about his collection;

“I’d like to show that people can levitate. It’s magical and mysterious. They are levitating in a lying position just as if you’d be if you were lying in your bed while you were sleeping.” 

The photo I looked at in particular was the photo shown above, the main reason I choose to look at this photo was because of the relation to gravity and levitation of people. An idea I had at the begging when coming up with initial ideas was to play around with levitation and people jumping in the air to capture the relationship with people and gravity.  This Nemcisk photo is based on the location of peoples dreams, I would like to take this idea of dreams and people mid air into a future shoot. The photo I have looked at for inspiration, above, does make me think of sleeping, dreaming, in a state of imagination, freedom.

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