Monday 9 March 2015

Shoot 2 Multiple Exposure Evaluation

For shoot number 2 I have used the technique multiple exposure. I chose to use this as it is able to show the stages of an object falling through the air, this relates well with my theme of relationship of gravity with objects. 
This shoot was done in a studio using a black background, as this helped highlight the object being dropped especially as I used a orange and yellow bouncy ball, making the bright colours stand out better compared to a white back ground. To be able to capture the pictures from my contact sheet below, I used a Nikon D3200 camera, for the lighting I used one soft box from the left hand side of the photo. This lighting also helped highlight the objects. For the shoot I tried to use a sharp depth of field so the camera would focus malignly on the ball that was closest to the lens as it bounced, however this did not work as well as I hoped it would as I did find it difficult to keep to focus as clear as possible.
The photo I have added below is an example of multiple exposure that I have found on Flikr.
'Swinging little zebra'  Multiple exposure
Found on flikr
By Alberto J
I think the shoot worked well as I was able to achieve the shoot I was aiming for using the technique. However it did take a while to get to this aim as it took many attempts to achieve the finished shots. This involved a lot of adjusting of the f number and shots per second. I also think that using the brightly coloured balls as the objects worked well as they were able to stand out and become more noticeable, in the last shots from the contact sheet I also used a yellow ball to see if I could get them both in shot however this did not work as well as the colour was not a noticeable, this could have been down to the lighting not being bright enough, or the focus not being as sharp as it could have been. Perhaps using a bigger object would improve the quality and make the object that bit more noticeable.
If I were to use this technique in future shoots I would use different objects, I thought about food. Using food would be interesting as you would be ale to capture the product falling, then as the food smashes on the floor with some pieces flying everywhere. When doing this I could also play around with the heights in which they are dropped to see if this effects the food as it drops to the ground.
The best edit I chose is used as out of the shoot it was the clearest, best quality and the closest to my intention.
Contact sheet 
Best edit

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