Monday 9 March 2015

Initial shots - Fast Pace Flour Technique and Multiple Exposure

Using the techniques and artists I have found, I have done some initial shots to get some ideas for future shoots.
First I have done some initial shots using the fast pace flour technique. I chose to do these shots first as I wanted to test to see if it would be viable for future shoots, as I had never used a technique similar to this I wanted to test the difficulty.
Fast pace flour technique
For this shoot I used a Nikon D3200 camera with a test button connected to the top to control the flashes, the lighting used is called mixed light levels, this is where the model has two lights either side, opposite each other both at a 90 degree angle.
Multiple exposure 
This worked well as I was able to achieve the shots I was aiming for, I also found that this technique is achievable for future shoots.

Another technique I found that related to the theme of gravity, is multiple exposure. To be able to capture the shot above I used a Nikon D3200 camera, for the lighting I used one soft box from the left hand side of the photo. For the back ground I just used a plain black material. I used this technique as I found the idea of capturing the object as it gradually falls in stages very interesting, and relatable to my theme of gravity.
In future shoots I think I will use this technique, however using different objects. I though about using food as then the camera would be able to capture the falling staged, but then also as it hits the floor.

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