Monday 27 April 2015

Planning for Final Shoot

I have looked at the photographer and sculptor Andy Goldsworthy and his photograph 'Dust'. For my final shoot I wanted to go back to the technique of fast pace flour movement, but this time I'm going to variate it slightly by incorporating the idea from Goldswrothys piece by using natural substances to the environment.
First I tried to think of different locations to do the shoot where I could use the natural substances from that environment, I thought about; the beach, using the sand as a substitute for the powder, or the forest and using flower petals and, grass and leaves. From this I decided to use the forest as it would be easier to find an area where nobody would be, but also it would be less windy, which could effect the movement of the objects. For the natural objects I have decided to use flower petals, leaves from around the forest and grass. I did think about using dry soil and mud crumbled up as this would create a powder, however this would get very messy and dirty, it would also be a harder substance for the camera to pick up against the back ground as against the dark greens of the trees its harder to see.
I have also tried to come with some movements for the model to do to create the pattern as the objects are in the air, I have come up with; trying to get the model to twirl with the objects in her hand and she slowly lets them go as she goes around, or throwing them up in the air and capturing the shot as they fall down. I could also do similar to the first shoot of the arms swooping down.

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